The Significance Of Psalm Singing In Calvin's Liturgy Of The Lord's Supper And Its Relevance Today
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Mazmur, Liturgi, Perjamuan Kudus, CalvinAbstrak
Di dalam artikel ini, penulis mengemukakan pentingnya menyanyikan mazmur di dalam liturgi Calvin saat perjamuan kudus. Menyanyikan mazmur metrikal adalah salah satu kontribusi Calvin terhadap perubahan di dalam ibadah pada masa reformasi. Terlebih lagi, penekanannya akan penggunaan Mazmur di dalam liturgi saat perjamuan kudus adalah upaya mengembalikan yang penting dari ibadah yang makin beragam di dalam banyak ibadah kontemporer. Di sepanjang artikel ini, penulis mendorong menyanyikan mazmur secara kreatif di dalam gereja. Praktek demikian tidak boleh dilupakan telah begitu berpengaruh terhadap reformasi di masa lampau.Statistik
Benson, Louis F. John Calvin and the Psalmody of the Reformed Churches, delivered on the L. P. Stone Foundation, at Princeton Theological Seminary, in February 1907.
Calvin, John. Institutes of the Christian Religion 1536. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.
______. Aulcuns pseaulmes et cantiques mys en chant. Strassburg, 1539.
______. “Preface to the Genevan Psalter 1543, reprinted, in Les Pseaumes mis en rime francoise, by Clement Marot and Theodore de Beze. Geneva: De l’imprimerie de François Jaquy, pour Antoine Vincent, 1562.
______. Institutes of the Christian Religion 1559, ed. John T. McNeill. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1960.
______. Commentary on the Book of Psalms, vol. 2 trans. James Anderson. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1949.
Calvin Institutes for Christian Worship, Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship, (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press).
Christian Reformed Church (CRC), Psalter Hymnal. Grand Rapids: CRC Publications, 1989.
Clendinning, Jane P. and Elizabeth W. Marvin, ed. The Musician’s Guide to Theory and Analysis, 3rd ed. New York: Norton, 2016.
Hughes, Philip E. The Registers of the Company of Pastors in Geneva at the Time of Calvin. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1966.
Thompson, Bard, ed. Liturgies of the Western Church. New York: Meridian Books, 1970.
Trocmé-Latter, Daniel. “The Psalms as a Mark of Protestantism: The Introduction of Liturgical Psalm-singing in Geneva.” Plainsong and Medieval Music 20, no. 2 (2011): 145–63.
Kingdon, Robert M. “The Genevan Revolution in Public Worship.” Princeton Seminary Bulletin 20 (1999).
Witvliet, John. “The Spirituality of the Psalter: Metrical Psalms in Liturgy and Life in Calvin’s Geneva.” Calvin Theological Journal 32, no. 2 (Fall 1997): 273–97.
L’Eglise the Geneve, La Forme des prières et chantz ecclesiastiques. Geneva, 1542.
L’eglise de Geneve, Cinquante pseaumes en françoys par Clement Marot. Geneva, 1543.
L’Eglise de Geneve, Les pseaumes mis en rime française, par Clement Marot, et Theodore de Beze. Geneva, 1562.
Taman Pustaka Kristen, Mazmur dan Nyanyian Rohani: Dari Perbendaharaan Jemaat Segala Abad, Indonesian translation by I. S. Kijne. Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 1997.
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